Thursday, June 27, 2019

XP-equipped  Dell Inspiron 8200 (formerly owned by The Great MykAdmz) armed with several programs of dated yet very useful varieties: Reason 3 with all the trimmings, Abelton Live7, Absynth, Reaktor 5, and, of course the trusty version of Cool Edit Pro 2.0 that re-mixed all tracks from "Dingus Pipe" and "The Gods" and mixed "Music to Torture" in its entirety.
   It's very temperamental- mainly due to faulty adapter and aging processor- but until it takes its last shit, it will continue to compliment Broke_Fi productions if it's in the mood.

  Tascam Porta02  4-track Mini-studio supplements certain instruments and regularly serves other vital purposes. Not the best for mixing, as only two of the tracks are reliable, but for capturing certain elements for playback it does a damn fine job. Also a permanent Broke_Fi studio fixture.

My Studio Assistant, Mildew. Also my harshest critic.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

     The Yamaha Music Station that, prior to "Music to Torture" was my secondary sound source. Since the SA-10 has become inoperative, it has moved into the top spot, and is doing a fine job.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

So, I was having a wee bit of trouble converting this into a suitable format for upload & it's just over TunesToTube's size limit. Since an edited version is out of the question, I went ahead and ate the upload time for Soundcloud. It was for a good cause.
The Casio SA-10 from which a large amount of the instrumentation on "The Gods Must be Douchebags" was spewed forth (with added effects in several places, of course).
   It's now defunct as a newly-purchased adapter failed to bring it back to life.
   After an unsuccessful attempt to import  the only affordable replacement model from the Netherlands via Ebay, I've decided -after viewing a few YouTube videos- that I might enjoy using it to hone/practice my basically non-existent soldering skills, and begin my first foray into circuit bending. The results could be pretty cool. But more than likely, I'll just end up making a fucking mess.
    Paging Dr. Frankenstein.....
The studio where the bulk of the recording, engineering and performing takes place

Front and back covers of Bank of Sodom (recorded 2001)

Friday, June 7, 2019

 Official  Radio Unfriendly Dingus Pipe Broke-Fi re-issue front and back covers.
Playlist is also available on YouTube if you love ads :
Thank you for your patronage.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

This is the most current photo of the mixing cove @ Broke_Fi Recordings. (a couple years old) more equipment has since been added. The studio is a work in progress. I have misplaced the SD card for my camera & a new one is currently on order. Updated photos to come

Broke_Fi Recordings - as a matter of fact, we *don't* call that shit music.

                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio