Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    So there are a couple older Youtube channels I stumbled upon while playing "Follow-the-links" on Soundcloud that have my shorts in a knot lately, but this one is the pearl. The guy, Jason Waterfalls has another channel with a lot of material just as good.
    There's a lot of different stuff going on there that has the same general feel I was going for when I started putting Industrial Sustenance into a tangible entity- merging music with visuals.
You should subscribe...

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Very happy with the final mix. The overall drum sound most of all. Bonus points if you can nail down the vocal homages. There are a few and they were extremely enjoyable to listen to back. And how about that $40 DOD Grunge box (Music-Go-Round, Virginia Beach rocks) delivering....
The Recording Studio Pro upgrade had paid for itself after about two hours and is still functioning well with most all the rest of the equipment. Money well spent to be sure. Just installed a new drum sequencer and it'll be featured in the next track- currently underway
  Pls Enjoy your Ramen responsibly

Friday, October 4, 2019

    So aside from the Communion After Dark podcasts and sets from DJ Rhose, this is what currently has my shorts in a knot - and it's highly recommended that you listen to it at length and often, and follow this guy. He's got other stuff that's just as good, but this most recent upload is actually his final mix of his first full-length album which is here released for the first time and it hasn't gone long at all between plays since it was first uploaded a couple of weeks ago.
     What I love the most about Horthodox is the dark metal cliches are few and far between almost serving as the segue between his forays into areas from remote to completely off the fuckin' map of sound.
     Also I think it's worth noting here, that whenever this recording is put on, as with anything by Sun Ra or Venetian Snares, Milly will park herself squarely between the speakers. So, yeah....

                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio