Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Never actually recorded anything "for" anyone per se but an old social media cohort's last cryptic post about "swimming in a sea of statins" was the inspiration for the closer of this noise foray.

    A seemingly harmonious co-existence of machines/equipment, at least for a temporary period is what I was going for and feel like I captured fairly well.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fuchsia Outhouse

     Built around a double-tracked note from one of the lovely Glauco presets, more an obvious homage to than a blatant ripoff of someone that you will know if you're halfass cool.

    It helps that treating my own vocals would be part of the design of such a homage because it's the best way to make them not quite as boring to me.

                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio