Saturday, December 12, 2020

  So, I was going through several older cassettes looking for material to throw into the mix on the new project I'm working on when I found what appears to be an extra take of Dogboy and Substrance (which originally were actually recorded consecutively) that I can barely discern, in the recesses of my memory, even recording let alone whether it was actually captured before or after the version I ended up using on the album.  I'm leaning towards before,  just from the way certain things sound when juxtaposed against the album version, but I'm in no way positive about this...

     Needless to say, it was a pleasant surprise to find still intact and listenable (after a fashion) and also transferrable across multiple file formats that all treated the original recording fairly well. Also happily, YouTube accepted the entire 17-minute suite (including the bonus noises at the end) within their often meager time constraints- at 26 minutes, "Fistful of Bimbos" was rejected as too long. Now I'm considering uploading it in two parts if  I can find a suitable place to divide them.

    Anyway thanks to all those who have shown interest in my library of work, past and present, and I hope you enjoy.

                                        As ever,


                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio