Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The vocals on this consist largely of material culled from a mountain of cassettes from the Mushroom Concern sessions with a few new additions to make a somewhat cohesive ,...well I dunno if "song" would be the right label to put on it (hell, I'm not even 100% comfortable even describing it as cohesive, now that I think about it), but I'm certainly pleased with the overall results- despite the fact that I had to spend a more-than-desired amount of time working around the limitations of a lot of my equipment that have ended up staring me in the face. That said, I certainly wasn't expecting to be finished with this track, but I sat down to see what I could drop into it and get done with it and the final necessary elements just fell into place. So here we are. Which is good, because the meat of the next (and final) track is already in the mental blender.

Hope you enjoy.

Monday, December 16, 2019

    So I was talking to someone about how I honestly didn't have the stomach for a fuck-ton of Peter Sotos' work & they told me about his project where he transcribed conversations between Jamie Gillis and his "muses"- which I have to admit sounds interesting the way it was sold to me. After watching an interlude on the youtube that preceded one of his readings at St. Marks bookshop, I was scrolling the comments and it was pointed out the understated sexiness of the pleasant demeanor of a girl in the front row to his immediate left in the red leather jacket (who I had noticed since I love girls in leather jackets, nothing against black, mind you, but especially colors other than black) and a link to one of her performances was proffered in one of the replies. The rest is history.
    Of the musical pieces I've listened to & performances I've watched, I've definitely found them enjoyable, but the blog is where the truly fabulous, amazing body of her other forms of work is most impressive to me.
     This comes with the Soylent seal.

           In the Broke_Fi related queue of upcoming trash & treasure files: The vocal horseplay is complementing the current track's use of a bare-bones freeware sequencer I installed a couple months back and a couple other pastiches of found sound and blatantly obvious homages quite nicely thank you. As are the logistics of the upcoming set @Deepness (last word was it was taking place sometime in spring 2020 - outside on the patio, weather permitting). And as it appears the original master of "Pipe" ( three extraneous mixes from the Dingus Pipe sessions) has been destroyed beyond playability, I've set about re-recording and re-embellishing them and so far am pleased with the results.

Sequencer at "work":

   You'll also all see this in the usual spots. Thanks for your time and interest.

                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio