Sunday, April 19, 2020

Front and back covers for "Pipe". It was a fun little side project in '03-'04 and it was a fun little side project again. Who knows, maybe I'll find another copy of the original masters floating around one day. I'll release that motherfucker too.

        Here's the playlist in its entirety;

                  Look for the rest of "Whack Zeppelin" to be delivered in the future and keep your eyes open and your earplugs handy for the upcoming live set,
     In the meantime Soylent soldiers on....
One of the tracks from the album containing some more laid-back elements. That coupled with the fact that it's towards the end and in between two more frenetic tracks, it kinda fell thru the cracks. I definitely found the idea of overlapping the organ riffs appealing and I think it gives the track a feel that's more ominous and less sad than the album mix. (I also think both versions sound kind of forboding and more-or-less fitting in the current world in which the studio sits, but that's another pointless, discussion perhaps...)
Anyhow the entire playlist will be up soon. For now here's the track.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

   I was going for a brand of bombast that combined elements of the majestic with the grandiose and  the inharmonious. Distortion of the digital and analog variety are both included in the mix as well as parts from the recently resurrected SA-10-interestingly enough no effects were added to those, because none were needed. Put this thing in a category of stuff they "don't make like they used to" Absolute beasts of equipment do come in deceptively small packages.
    I can say this; I hope it's as disconcerting to listen to as it was fun for me to record. Because it is for me

    All my best,
        Daddy Soylent

Saturday, April 4, 2020

In the latest Broke_Fi development: It turns out a potential failed soldering project is no longer necessary as the "5 AA batteries" restoration method has ensured the SA-10 (yes, THAT SA-10) is operational. No, I won't be leaving the batteries in when it's not being used and any amount of bummed-ness about not starting my first official c-bending project is replaced with the joy putting an old friend back to use in the studio scheme. Yeah this pretty much changes the game as they say...

Stay tuned and stay safe

                         Soylent Ramen releases on                      Industrial Sustenance/Broke_Fi Recordings       IND_000  Bank of Sod...

The Broke_Fi Studio